How To Provide Universal Health Care Using This One Weird Trick

The first time I experienced Ann Coulter was on the roast of Rob Lowe. She created a lot of tension and drama on the show because of her very right winged views, so I was very curious to see what her blog was like. You can tell simply by looking at the titles of her pieces that her main audiences are conservative republicans. Some examples of some of her titles are as follows: “Trump: The Great Unifier,” “Every Rape Victim Deserves to be Heard— Except by Hillary Clinton,” and “Can I Be The Poster Child Against Obamacare?” 

Ann Coulter is well known by society as a conservative republican. She graduated from Cornell University and has been a successful political commentator, writer, columnist, and lawyer. As of 2016, Coulter has 12 best-selling books, including “In Trump We Trust”. 

Since she is such an outspoken conservative, I wanted to pick one of her more liberal blog titles, “How To Provide Universal Health Care Using This One Weird Trick”. Ann Coulter argues in this blog post that, in order to solve America’s health care debate/ issue, we should create a free market in health insurance. Coulter compares buying health care in a free market to buying bread. She states that we do not need Congress to provide us with bread; therefore, why do we need them to provide us with health care? She then goes on to explain that the prices of health care would go down considerably in a free market to 20-50 dollars per month. Additionally, she argues that like there are many different types or brands of orange juices (and breads), there will be many types of health care plans to choose from that best fit each individual’s needs, and that buying it will be as easy as buying cell phones and even car insurance. She also states that according to the iron law of economics, every product sold on the free market will get better and cheaper over time, which would apply to health insurance as well. 

Coulter writes that this free market would apply and be beneficial to 90% of Americans, and the reason it would not be beneficial to the other 10%, would be due to fraud. According to her blog, half of the trillion dollars tax payers spend on health care every year is fraud, so, after establishing a free market, the rest of the health care bill should be entirely fraud prevention measures. This would then, according to Ann Coulter, save Americans trillions of dollars and additionally provide health care to all.

Coulter’s argument is interesting and her comparisons are intriguing and relatable. I’m not sure if I agree with her argument, but her tone and strong opinions make for an interesting read. 


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