Nothing Trumps Obamacare Response

I came across a very insightful blog called “Nothing Trumps Obamacare” by one of my classmates, Kelly La, about the new Trump-Care bill’s elimination of coverage for those with ‘pre-existing conditions.’ The Trump-Care allows states to “opt out of offering plans that cover essential health care benefits that people with pre-existing conditions need.” 

Kelly does a great job explaining the dangers this bill will have on the American public through her words. The way she lays out the facts and her opinions is very effective in explaining her argument. She weaves them together seamlessly to make her point witty and quick. The best example of this is in this sentence written by Kelly: “People don’t realize that as many as 1 in every 2 Americans have a health issue that qualifies as a pre existing condition.” 

However, the most compelling tactic Kelly uses to explain her argument is the huge image in the middle of her blog post. The image lists the ‘pre-existing conditions’ and how many Americans have each condition. The image Kelly uses really draws you into the piece and allows her readers to really engage in her post. I read the list and I have at least one of the listed conditions, and it is very clear that most people would have at least one pre-existing condition on this list. Additionally, the image states that this list is not finite and that there are other pre existing conditions not mentioned. 

The combination of Kelly’s quick and witty words and her interactive image makes this a very engaging and effective piece and a great read. 


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