Health Bill Article- Time

On July 17th at 9:39pm, Time posted an article about the new health care bill. This article is an important read, because this topic is a very current and heated discussion within the US government and the nation. In the article, author Alan Fram explains that two more Republican senators, Mike Lee of Utah and Jerry Moran of Kansas, have announced their opposition to the new health care bill proposed by majority leader, Mitch McConnell. Their opposition to the legislation strongly backed by President Trump has "fatally wounded" efforts by the GOP to repeal and replace Obamacare. This is the second time McConnell has failed to create a version of his bill that pleases both the far right Republicans and moderate Republicans. This blow may cause McConnell to have to return to the drawing board or start to negotiate with Democrats. It will be interesting to follow this bill and the actions McConnell takes to try and regain support for his new legislation.


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