If Dr. Trump Were Your Surgeon

In this piece entitled ‘If Dr. Trump Were Your Surgeon’  by the New York Times, the author, Nicholas Kristof, compares President Trump to an unqualified surgeon. This sarcastic work is intended to please a more left audience, while also stirring the pot of its right sided audience. This author is credible because of the credibility of the New York Times, however, in an opinion piece I don’t think credibility is of as much importance as a pure news article, where you really rely on the author to display the facts in an unbiased manor. The argument of this piece is really to mock those who voted for Trump by saying if you wouldn’t choose Trump as your surgeon why would you choose him as your president. Furthermore, Kristof tries to argue that Trump neither has the credentials to be a surgeon nor the credentials for being the President of the United States. This piece is really based on opinions and feelings and not really relying on facts, except for using inappropriate quotes Trump has said, such as “you’re in great shape,” but changing the context to a doctor trying to perform surgery. There are clear, sarcastic metaphors referring to Trump’s policies, however, the sole evidence that Donald Trump has no presidential credentials is that the author states that he has no medical training, which he doesn’t. This piece is far fetched, because, in my opinion, no one is really truly qualified to take on the responsibilities as President of the United States; however, I get the point the author is trying to make that there are other better qualified than Donald Trump. I also like the sarcastic tone and dialogue style. I think it’s an interesting piece worth a read.


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