Trump's Surprise Transgender Ban

One of my fellow classmates, Andelyn Denson, wrote an editorial in her blog, Star Spangeled Blogger, entitled ‘Trump’s Surprise Transgender Ban’. This piece is about Trump’s recent ban on allowing transgendered people to serve in the U.S. military. I do agree with Andelyn’s stance on this issue, and I also believe that any human being willing and able to serve in our military to protect our country should be honored and able to do so. However, not only did Andelyn’s arguments attract me to this piece, but also the lay out of her blog and the organization of her argument. 

Andelyn takes advantage of the technology and really allows readers to fully engage in the piece. Andelyn includes an image of Trump’s tweets about this issue, so that her readers can visually see what is being described. Additionally, Andelyn embeds links to other articles so that her readers can get a better and more diverse understanding of this ban through other outlets online. The tactics that are used in this piece allow Andelyn’s readers to be more engaged, which I think overall enhances her argument and the piece itself. 

Andelyn also organizes her argument very cleanly and straightforward, which allows her readers to understand her argument very easily. The piece is organized into three sections. Each section is numbered (1, 2, 3), with each section having its own bolded title. The bolded titles are essentially a terse summary of Trump’s arguments. Andelyn then includes a paragraph under every bolded title that contradicts Trump’s argument, and explains why his argument is incorrect. Her explanations and arguments against Trump’s ban are very organized and thought out, which makes this an easy read, and, most likely, allows her readers to be better informed.


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