New Hampshire vs. Trump

The Washington Post published a January 27th phone call transcript between President Trump and President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico. In this transcript, it was revealed that President Trump had called the state of New Hampshire “a drug-infested den”. The transcript also quotes Trump stretching the truth about his wins during campaigning for the presidency in New Hampshire. Trump states in this transcript “I won New Hampshire because New Hampshire is a drug infested den”. 

These revelations have sparked New Hampshire politicians and residents to criticize Trump and his words regarding the state. New Hampshire is mainly frustrated with two parts of Trump’s statements in this transcript. One of which being his poor description of the state, and the other being that he did not win New Hampshire in the general election, only in the Republican primary. 

The Governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu, made a statement on the issue and said that “[Trump’s] mischaracterization of this epidemic ignores the great things this state has to offer”. I agree with his statement. Trump is only choosing to focus on one facet of this beautiful state, which has many great things to offer. A president, in my opinion, should know his or her states by their positive qualities, and work to change any negatives to positives. Additionally, the President of the United States should not ever talk poorly of his own country, especially to leaders of other countries. This makes us weaker as a nation and makes us seem not unified. I also think that Trump does not think before he speaks, and at this point he better learn that someone is always listening and watching and documenting his every move and word and he should hold himself with pride for his country at all times. 

However, the only positive thing I can say about this ordeal is that at least Trump has drug addiction in America on his radar. According to data analyzed by The New York Times, drug overdose killed more people in 2016 than guns or car accidents. Approximately 59,000 people died of overdose in America that year, and it is now the leading cause of death for Americans under the age of 50. Drug use and addiction is clearly a huge issue in our country, and it needs to be dealt with swiftly and in an appropriate matter.  


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