
Showing posts from July, 2017

Trump's Surprise Transgender Ban

One of my fellow classmates, Andelyn Denson, wrote an editorial in her blog, Star Spangeled Blogger , entitled ‘ Trump’s Surprise Transgender Ban ’. This piece is about Trump’s recent ban on allowing transgendered people to serve in the U.S. military. I do agree with Andelyn’s stance on this issue, and I also believe that any human being willing and able to serve in our military to protect our country should be honored and able to do so. However, not only did Andelyn’s arguments attract me to this piece, but also the lay out of her blog and the organization of her argument.  Andelyn takes advantage of the technology and really allows readers to fully engage in the piece. Andelyn includes an image of Trump’s tweets about this issue, so that her readers can visually see what is being described. Additionally, Andelyn embeds links to other articles so that her readers can get a better and more diverse understanding of this ban through other outlets online. The tactics that are used i

How To Provide Universal Health Care Using This One Weird Trick

The first time I experienced Ann Coulter was on the roast of Rob Lowe. She created a lot of tension and drama on the show because of her very right winged views, so I was very curious to see what her blog was like. You can tell simply by looking at the titles of her pieces that her main audiences are conservative republicans. Some examples of some of her titles are as follows: “Trump: The Great Unifier,” “Every Rape Victim Deserves to be Heard— Except by Hillary Clinton,” and “Can I Be The Poster Child Against Obamacare?”  Ann Coulter is well known by society as a conservative republican. She graduated from Cornell University and has been a successful political commentator, writer, columnist, and lawyer. As of 2016, Coulter has 12 best-selling books, including “In Trump We Trust”.  Since she is such an outspoken conservative, I wanted to pick one of her more liberal blog titles, “ How To Provide Universal Health Care Using This One Weird Trick ”. Ann Coulter argues in this blo

If Dr. Trump Were Your Surgeon

In this piece entitled ‘ If Dr. Trump Were Your Surgeon ’  by the New York Times, the author, Nicholas Kristof, compares President Trump to an unqualified surgeon. This sarcastic work is intended to please a more left audience, while also stirring the pot of its right sided audience. This author is credible because of the credibility of the New York Times, however, in an opinion piece I don’t think credibility is of as much importance as a pure news article, where you really rely on the author to display the facts in an unbiased manor. The argument of this piece is really to mock those who voted for Trump by saying if you wouldn’t choose Trump as your surgeon why would you choose him as your president. Furthermore, Kristof tries to argue that Trump neither has the credentials to be a surgeon nor the credentials for being the President of the United States. This piece is really based on opinions and feelings and not really relying on facts, except for using inappropriate quotes Trump h
I have added 1 link list: Classmate's Blogs.  You can access it by clicking on the three dashes in the top left corner of the blog.

Health Bill Article- Time

On July 17th at 9:39pm, Time posted an article about the new health care bill. This article is an important read, because this topic is a very current and heated discussion within the US government and the nation. In the article, author Alan Fram explains that two more Republican senators, Mike Lee of Utah and Jerry Moran of Kansas, have announced their opposition to the new health care bill proposed by majority leader, Mitch McConnell. Their opposition to the legislation strongly backed by President Trump has "fatally wounded" efforts by the GOP to repeal and replace Obamacare. This is the second time McConnell has failed to create a version of his bill that pleases both the far right Republicans and moderate Republicans. This blow may cause McConnell to have to return to the drawing board or start to negotiate with Democrats. It will be interesting to follow this bill and the actions McConnell takes to try and regain support for his new legislation.
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I have added 2 link lists: Mainstream Sources and Political Blogs. You can access them by clicking on the three dashes in the top left corner of the blog.
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