
Blog Stage 5

There is a website called “ Impeach Trump Now ” that I came across while doing research for Participation Topic #3. This website is a petition that allows anyone to sign it in order to help impeach President Trump. The petition is a call upon Congress to call on the House to investigate whether sufficient grounds exist for the impeachment of President Donald John Trump. According to the website, currently 1,155,176 people have signed the petition.  The website is very well organized, and it is run by a legal advisory board of very impressive individuals from prominent law schools, such as Harvard Law School, and judges from high courts. According to the website, President Trump is in violation of the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses stated in the United States Constitution because of his refusal to divest from his business interests.  Until now, I had no idea there was probable cause for Trump’s impeachment. I’m surprised that his comments on twitter alone aren’t worth

Nothing Trumps Obamacare Response

I came across a very insightful blog called “ Nothing Trumps Obamacare ” by one of my classmates, Kelly La, about the new Trump-Care bill’s elimination of coverage for those with ‘pre-existing conditions.’ The Trump-Care allows states to “opt out of offering plans that cover essential health care benefits that people with pre-existing conditions need.”  Kelly does a great job explaining the dangers this bill will have on the American public through her words. The way she lays out the facts and her opinions is very effective in explaining her argument. She weaves them together seamlessly to make her point witty and quick. The best example of this is in this sentence written by Kelly: “People don’t realize that as many as 1 in every 2 Americans have a health issue that qualifies as a pre existing condition.”  However, the most compelling tactic Kelly uses to explain her argument is the huge image in the middle of her blog post. The image lists the ‘pre-existing conditions’ and h

New Hampshire vs. Trump

The Washington Post published a January 27th phone call transcript between President Trump and President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico. In this transcript, it was revealed that President Trump had called the state of New Hampshire “a drug-infested den”. The transcript also quotes Trump stretching the truth about his wins during campaigning for the presidency in New Hampshire. Trump states in this transcript “I won New Hampshire because New Hampshire is a drug infested den”.  These revelations have sparked New Hampshire politicians and residents to criticize Trump and his words regarding the state. New Hampshire is mainly frustrated with two parts of Trump’s statements in this transcript. One of which being his poor description of the state, and the other being that he did not win New Hampshire in the general election, only in the Republican primary.  The Governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu, made a statement on the issue and said that “[Trump’s] mischaracterization of this e

Trump's Surprise Transgender Ban

One of my fellow classmates, Andelyn Denson, wrote an editorial in her blog, Star Spangeled Blogger , entitled ‘ Trump’s Surprise Transgender Ban ’. This piece is about Trump’s recent ban on allowing transgendered people to serve in the U.S. military. I do agree with Andelyn’s stance on this issue, and I also believe that any human being willing and able to serve in our military to protect our country should be honored and able to do so. However, not only did Andelyn’s arguments attract me to this piece, but also the lay out of her blog and the organization of her argument.  Andelyn takes advantage of the technology and really allows readers to fully engage in the piece. Andelyn includes an image of Trump’s tweets about this issue, so that her readers can visually see what is being described. Additionally, Andelyn embeds links to other articles so that her readers can get a better and more diverse understanding of this ban through other outlets online. The tactics that are used i

How To Provide Universal Health Care Using This One Weird Trick

The first time I experienced Ann Coulter was on the roast of Rob Lowe. She created a lot of tension and drama on the show because of her very right winged views, so I was very curious to see what her blog was like. You can tell simply by looking at the titles of her pieces that her main audiences are conservative republicans. Some examples of some of her titles are as follows: “Trump: The Great Unifier,” “Every Rape Victim Deserves to be Heard— Except by Hillary Clinton,” and “Can I Be The Poster Child Against Obamacare?”  Ann Coulter is well known by society as a conservative republican. She graduated from Cornell University and has been a successful political commentator, writer, columnist, and lawyer. As of 2016, Coulter has 12 best-selling books, including “In Trump We Trust”.  Since she is such an outspoken conservative, I wanted to pick one of her more liberal blog titles, “ How To Provide Universal Health Care Using This One Weird Trick ”. Ann Coulter argues in this blo

If Dr. Trump Were Your Surgeon

In this piece entitled ‘ If Dr. Trump Were Your Surgeon ’  by the New York Times, the author, Nicholas Kristof, compares President Trump to an unqualified surgeon. This sarcastic work is intended to please a more left audience, while also stirring the pot of its right sided audience. This author is credible because of the credibility of the New York Times, however, in an opinion piece I don’t think credibility is of as much importance as a pure news article, where you really rely on the author to display the facts in an unbiased manor. The argument of this piece is really to mock those who voted for Trump by saying if you wouldn’t choose Trump as your surgeon why would you choose him as your president. Furthermore, Kristof tries to argue that Trump neither has the credentials to be a surgeon nor the credentials for being the President of the United States. This piece is really based on opinions and feelings and not really relying on facts, except for using inappropriate quotes Trump h
I have added 1 link list: Classmate's Blogs.  You can access it by clicking on the three dashes in the top left corner of the blog.